I was supposed to volunteer myself being Ceilometer PTL because we have also deployed Ceilometer in production. I haven't contributed Ceilometer for several dev cycles but I'm familiar with Ceilometer code (and Aodh as well), and I am an active contributor for OpenStack for 6 years. 

Trinh chatted with me in IRC for the same interest in Ceilometer as they are also using Ceilometer and Aodh in production. I'm very happy he could help because maybe I'll be too busy with maintaining two other projects. I (and other developers in our company) can definitely help if needed.

Personally, I think being a PTL not only means the one who has contributed a lot, but also means the one who is willing to help the project developers and users, and doing the common tasks in order to coordinate with the whole community, most importantly, the one who is the real user of a project.

Lingxian Kong

On Tue, Mar 19, 2019 at 5:31 AM Mohammed Naser <mnaser@vexxhost.com> wrote:
FWIW: Trinh has done an excellent job with Searchlight, so I think the project would be in great hands.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Mar 18, 2019, at 12:13 PM, Doug Hellmann <doug@doughellmann.com> wrote:
> Julien Danjou <julien@danjou.info> writes:
>> On Sun, Mar 17 2019, Trinh Nguyen wrote:
>> Hi Trinh,
>>> Because no one want to nominate for the PTL in Train [1], Telemetry has
>>> been marked as a leaderless project and may be removed of OpenStack. We and
>>> some companies are still using Ceilometer, AODH (parts of Telemetry) so we
>>> don't want that happen.
>>> Lingxian Kong (Trove and Qinling PTL), I (cc Julien Danjou, the current PTL
>>> of Telemetry) had a conversation about this and agree to work together to
>>> maintain the Telemetry projects. So I'm writing this email stating that I
>>> would like to volunteer to be the PTL for Telemetry in Train.
>>> Though I haven't been directly involved in the development of Telemetry
>>> ever, my experience as Searchlight PTL and core in Fenix and Freezer give
>>> me some technical understanding of Telemetry as well as OpenStack
>>> development procedure. You're in the good hands.
>> I'm glad reading that people are still interested in Telemetry!
>> How do you envision leading a project you never contributed to? I'm
>> wondering how someone can do that in practice.
>> Or do you see that just role being a straw-man job to avoid the project
>> for being tagged as abandoned?
>> Cheers,
>> --
>> Julien Danjou
>> // Free Software hacker
>> // https://julien.danjou.info
> Without another volunteer, I'm not sure I see an alternative between
> shutting the project down and letting someone who has not contributed
> try to take it over. Do you have something else to propose?
> --
> Doug