FWIW: Trinh has done an excellent job with Searchlight, so I think the project would be in great hands.
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> On Mar 18, 2019, at 12:13 PM, Doug Hellmann <doug@doughellmann.com> wrote:
> Julien Danjou <julien@danjou.info> writes:
>> On Sun, Mar 17 2019, Trinh Nguyen wrote:
>> Hi Trinh,
>>> Because no one want to nominate for the PTL in Train [1], Telemetry has
>>> been marked as a leaderless project and may be removed of OpenStack. We and
>>> some companies are still using Ceilometer, AODH (parts of Telemetry) so we
>>> don't want that happen.
>>> Lingxian Kong (Trove and Qinling PTL), I (cc Julien Danjou, the current PTL
>>> of Telemetry) had a conversation about this and agree to work together to
>>> maintain the Telemetry projects. So I'm writing this email stating that I
>>> would like to volunteer to be the PTL for Telemetry in Train.
>>> Though I haven't been directly involved in the development of Telemetry
>>> ever, my experience as Searchlight PTL and core in Fenix and Freezer give
>>> me some technical understanding of Telemetry as well as OpenStack
>>> development procedure. You're in the good hands.
>> I'm glad reading that people are still interested in Telemetry!
>> How do you envision leading a project you never contributed to? I'm
>> wondering how someone can do that in practice.
>> Or do you see that just role being a straw-man job to avoid the project
>> for being tagged as abandoned?
>> Cheers,
>> --
>> Julien Danjou
>> // Free Software hacker
>> // https://julien.danjou.info
> Without another volunteer, I'm not sure I see an alternative between
> shutting the project down and letting someone who has not contributed
> try to take it over. Do you have something else to propose?
> --
> Doug