I would like to nominate myself to be Keystone PTL for the 2023.2 (Bobcat) cycle.
This will be my second cycle serving as PTL and I am looking forward to continuing the progress that we're making in Keystone. Some of the highlights of the last cycle that I would like to continue and build upon are:
*Reviewathons*: We have been holding weekly reviewathons that I feel have been quite successful. We meet on Fridays (ping me if you'd like an invite) in an informal hour long GMeet room and either go down the list of pending reviews or if there is a specific topic/feature we might focus on that. The reviewathons have helped in significantly reducing our backlog of easily merged, maintenance type patches and have given us a very good opportunity to discuss in detail a very complicated feature. I would like to continue the reviewathons and extend an invitation to anyone who would like to join.
*Weekly Meetings*: The weekly meetings are happening regularly and are fostering good discussion and information sharing. The weekly meetings are currently scheduled for Tuesdays at 15:00 UTC but I am always open to changing the day and time if it will garner more participation.
*Bug Cleanup*: Keystone proper has over two hundred bugs and the other Identity projects probably contribute another one hundred, this is too many. I have been slowly going through and trying to close out old and irrelevant bugs as well as triage those that need fixing (my apologies for the emails about bugs that are years old :). I would like to continue this work and get our bug backlog into a manageable state.
I've enjoyed my first cycle as PTL and with your continued support am looking forward to another cycle.
Thanks for your consideration.