On Fri, Jul 5, 2019 at 10:18 PM Matt Riedemann <mriedemos@gmail.com> wrote:
On 7/5/2019 1:45 AM, Massimo Sgaravatto wrote:
I tried to check the allocations on each compute node of a Ocata cloud, using the command:
curl -s ${PLACEMENT_ENDPOINT}/resource_providers/${UUID}/allocations -H "x-auth-token: $TOKEN" | python -m json.tool
Just FYI you can use osc-placement (openstack client plugin) for command line:
Ok, thanks In the Rocky cloud I had to manually install the python2-osc-placement package. At least for centos7 it is not required by python2-openstackclient
I found that, on a few compute nodes, there are some instances for which there is not a corresponding allocation.
The heal_allocations command [1] might be able to find and fix these up for you. The bad news for you is that heal_allocations wasn't added until Rocky and you're on Ocata.
Since in 1 week the Ocata cloud we'll be migrated to Rocky, I can wait ... :-) Thanks a lot for your help ! Cheers, Massimo