in general the only parameter you want to align to the physical host is the number of thread so if the phsyical host has 2 thread per physical core then its best to also do that in the vm we generally recommend setting the number of virutal socket equal to the number of virutal numa nodes if the vm has no explict numa toploly then you should set sockets=1 else hw:cpu_sockets==hw:numa_nodes is our recomendation. for windows in partcalar the default config generated is suboptimal as windows client only supprot 1-2 sockets and windows serverver maxes out at 4 i believe. On Mon, 2023-09-04 at 11:51 -0300, Jorge Visentini wrote:
Hello Team,
What is the difference between creating an instance with *4* or *8 virtual sockets*, since the hypervisor has only *4 physical sockets*. My question is where do sockets, cores and virtual threads fit into the physical hardware. I think this question is not just related to Openstack, but with any virtualization.
My hypervisor configuration is as follows:
CPU(s): 192 Online CPU(s) list: 0-191 Thread(s) per core: 2 Core(s) per socket: 24 Socket(s): 4 NUMA node(s): 4
Do you have any documentation that I can read and understand better?
That we have a nice week!