It seems the basic features of our 3rd party CI is ready. It now could verify +1 on openstack-dev/ci-sandbox[1].
I am writing for asking for permission of review ironic project for huawei-ironic-ci.
------------------ 原始邮件 ------------------
发送时间: 2019年1月9日(星期三) 晚上10:47
主题: Re: Ironic ibmc driver for Huawei server
Ironic does not have a deadline for merging specs. We will generally
avoid landing large features the closer we get to the end of the
cycle. If third party CI is up before the end of the cycle, I suspect
it would just be a matter of iterating the driver code through review.
You may wish to propose it sooner rather than later, and we can begin
to give you feedback from there.
On Tue, Jan 8, 2019 at 11:21 PM <> wrote:
> Hi Julia,
> When is the deadline of approving specs, I am afraid that huawei ibmc spec will be put off util next release.
> Thanks
> Qianbiao NG
> ------------------ 原始邮件 ------------------
> 发件人: "Julia Kreger"<>;
> 发送时间: 2019年1月9日(星期三) 凌晨2:26
> 收件人: ""<>;
> 抄送: "openstack-discuss"<>;
> 主题: Re: Ironic ibmc driver for Huawei server
> Greetings Qianbiao.NG,
> Welcome to Ironic!
> The purpose and requirement of Third Party CI is to test drivers are
> in working order with the current state of the code in Ironic and help
> prevent the community from accidentally breaking an in-tree vendor
> driver. Vendors do this by providing one or more physical systems in a
> pool of hardware that is managed by a Zuul v3 or Jenkins installation
> which installs ironic (typically in a virtual machine), and configures
> it to perform a deployment upon the physical bare metal node. Upon
> failure or successful completion of the test, the results are posted
> back to OpenStack Gerrit.
> Ultimately this helps provide the community and the vendor with a
> level of assurance in what is released by the ironic community. The
> cinder project has a similar policy and I'll email you directly with
> the contacts at Huawei that work with the Cinder community, as they
> would be familiar with many of the aspects of operating third party
> CI.
> You can find additional information here on the requirement and the
> reasoning behind it:
> We may also be able to put you in touch with some vendors that have
> recently worked on implementing third-party CI. I'm presently
> inquiring with others if that will be possible. If you are able to
> join Internet Relay Chat, our IRC channel (#openstack-ironic) has
> several individual who have experience setting up and maintaining
> third-party CI for ironic.
> Thanks,
> -Julia
> On Tue, Jan 8, 2019 at 8:54 AM <> wrote:
> >
> > Hi julia,
> >
> > According to the comment of story<!/story/2004635 >,
> > 1. The spec for huawei ibmc drvier has been post here:!/story/2004635 , waiting for review.
> > 2. About the third-party CI part, we provide mocked unittests for our driver's code. Not sure what third-party CI works for in this case. What else we should do?
> >
> > Thanks
> > Qianbiao.NG