Hey Jay,
I replied to your comments to the spec however missed this email.
Please see my replies in line.
Zang, Rui
03.01.2019, 21:31, "Jay Pipes" <jaypipes@gmail.com>:

On 01/02/2019 11:08 PM, Alex Xu wrote:

 Jay Pipes <jaypipes@gmail.com <mailto:jaypipes@gmail.com>> 于2019年1月2
 日周三 下午10:48写道:

     On 12/21/2018 03:45 AM, Rui Zang wrote:
      > It was advised in today's nova team meeting to bring this up by
      > There has been some discussion on the how to track persistent memory
      > resource in placement on the spec review [1].
      > Background: persistent memory (PMEM) needs to be partitioned to
      > namespaces to be consumed by VMs. Due to fragmentation issues,
     the spec
      > proposed to use fixed sized PMEM namespaces.

     The spec proposed to use fixed sized namespaces that is controllable by
     the deployer, not fixed-size-for-everyone :) Just want to make sure
     we're being clear here.

      > The spec proposed way to represent PMEM namespaces is to use one
      > Resource Provider (RP) for one PMEM namespace. An new standard
      > Class (RC) -- 'VPMEM_GB` is introduced to classify PMEM namspace
      > For each PMEM namespace RP, the values for 'max_unit', 'min_unit',
      > 'total' and 'step_size` are all set to the size of the PMEM
      > In this way, it is guaranteed each RP will be consumed as a whole
     at one
      > time.
      > An alternative was brought out in the review. Different Custom
      > Classes ( CUSTOM_PMEM_XXXGB) can be used to designate PMEM
     namespaces of
      > different sizes. The size of the PMEM namespace is encoded in the
      > of the custom Resource Class. And multiple PMEM namespaces of the
      > size  (say 128G) can be represented by one RP of the same

     Not represented by "one RP of the same CUSTOM_PMEM_128G". There
     would be
     only one resource provider: the compute node itself. It would have an
     inventory of, say, 8 CUSTOM_PMEM_128G resources.

      > CUSTOM_PMEM_128G. In this way, the RP could have 'max_unit'  and
      > as the total number of the PMEM namespaces of the certain size.
     And the
      > values of 'min_unit' and 'step_size' could set to 1.

     No, the max_unit, min_unit, step_size and total would refer to the
     number of *PMEM namespaces*, not the amount of GB of memory represented
     by those namespaces.

     Therefore, min_unit and step_size would be 1, max_unit would be the
     total number of *namespaces* that could simultaneously be attached to a
     single consumer (VM), and total would be 8 in our example where the
     compute node had 8 of these pre-defined 128G PMEM namespaces.

      > We believe both way could work. We would like to have a community
      > consensus on which way to use.
      > Email replies and review comments to the spec [1] are both welcomed.

     Custom resource classes were invented for precisely this kind of use
     case. The resource being represented is a namespace. The resource is
     "a Gibibyte of persistent memory".

 The point of the initial design is avoid to encode the `size` in the
 resource class name. If that is ok for you(I remember people hate to
 encode size and number into the trait name), then we will update the
 design. Probably based on the namespace configuration, nova will be
 responsible for create those custom RC first. Sounds works.

A couple points...

1) I was/am opposed to putting the least-fine-grained size in a resource
class name. For example, I would have preferred DISK_BYTE instead of

I agree the more precise the better as far as resource tracking is concerned.
However, as for persistent memory, it usually comes out in large capacity --
terabytes are normal. And the targeting applications are also expected to use
persistent memory in that quantity. GB is a reasonable unit not to make
the number too nasty.

2) After reading the original Intel PMEM specification
(http://pmem.io/documents/NVDIMM_Namespace_Spec.pdf), it seems to me
that what you are describing with a generic PMEM_GB (or PMEM_BYTE)
resource class is more appropriate for the block mode translation system
described in the PDF versus the PMEM namespace system described therein.

 From a lay person's perspective, I see the difference between the two
as similar to the difference between describing the bytes that are in
block storage versus a filesystem that has been formatted, wiped,
cleaned, etc on that block storage.

First let's talk about "block mode" v.s. "persistent memory mode".
They are not tiered up, they are counterparts. Each of them describes an access
method to the unlerlying hardware. Quote some sectors from
inside the dash line block.
Why BLK?

While PMEM provides direct byte-addressable CPU-load/store access to
NVDIMM storage, it does not provide the best system RAS (recovery,
availability, and serviceability) model.  An access to a corrupted
system-physical-address address causes a CPU exception while an access
to a corrupted address through an BLK-aperture causes that block window
to raise an error status in a register.  The latter is more aligned with
the standard error model that host-bus-adapter attached disks present.
Also, if an administrator ever wants to replace a memory it is easier to
service a system at DIMM module boundaries.  Compare this to PMEM where
data could be interleaved in an opaque hardware specific manner across
several DIMMs.

BLK-apertures solve these RAS problems, but their presence is also the
major contributing factor to the complexity of the ND subsystem.  They
complicate the implementation because PMEM and BLK alias in DPA space.
Any given DIMM's DPA-range may contribute to one or more
system-physical-address sets of interleaved DIMMs, *and* may also be
accessed in its entirety through its BLK-aperture.  Accessing a DPA
through a system-physical-address while simultaneously accessing the
same DPA through a BLK-aperture has undefined results.  For this reason,
DIMMs with this dual interface configuration include a DSM function to
store/retrieve a LABEL.  The LABEL effectively partitions the DPA-space
into exclusive system-physical-address and BLK-aperture accessible
regions.  For simplicity a DIMM is allowed a PMEM "region" per each
interleave set in which it is a member.  The remaining DPA space can be
carved into an arbitrary number of BLK devices with discontiguous
You can see that "block mode" does not provide "direct access", thus not the best  
performance. That is the reason "persistent memory mode" is proposed in the spec.
However, people can still create a block device out of a "persistent memory mode"
namespace. And further more, create a file system on top of that block device.
Applications can map files from that file system into their memory namespaces,
and if the file system is DAX (direct-access) capable. The application's access to
the hardware is still direct-access which means direct byte-addressable
CPU-load/store access to NVDIMM storage.
This is perfect so far, as one can think of why not just track the DAX file system
and let the VM instances map the files of the file system?
However, this usage model is reported to have severe issues with hardware
pass-ed through. So the recommended model is still mapping namespaces
of "persistent memory mode" into applications' address space.

In Nova, the DISK_GB resource class describes the former: it's a bunch
of blocks that are reserved in the underlying block storage for use by
the virtual machine. The virtual machine manager then formats that bunch
of blocks as needed and lays down a formatted image.

We don't have a resource class that represents "a filesystem" or "a
partition" (yet). But the proposed PMEM namespaces in your spec
definitely seem to be more like a "filesystem resource" than a "GB of
block storage" resource.
