---- On Tue, 25 Oct 2022 11:32:46 -0700 Kendall Nelson wrote ---
> Hello Everyone!
> Congratulations on a great virtual PTG last week :)
> The OpenInfra Foundation is hosting the OpenInfra Summit in Vancouver [1], June 13 -15, 2023.
> We are trying to determine the level of interest among contributors to OpenInfra projects on attending a co-located PTG in Vancouver. The exact format and dates are still being determined. At this time, we are evaluating the level of interest from an attendee and employer perspective. Please complete the following poll so we can measure the level of interest and plan accordingly. Future updates will be distributed to the project mailing lists as well as previous PTG attendees.
Thanks, Kendall for collecting the feedback and survey. One question to understand the future PTGs schedule.
As PTGs are aligned with the OpenStack new development cycle timing, they were very helpful to plan the
new cycle features/work well at the start of the cycle. But seeing the summit co-located PTG timing which
is June, I am curious to know if there will be a PTG for the 2023.2 (B) cycle in April (with 2023.1 Antelope releasing
at the March end) also? Or we are going to have only one in June which will be co-located in Vancouver Summit (once
it is final based on survey results).
Definitely, having a co-located PTGs in Summit is a very good idea, saving travel, and being much more productive also
but it's just timing from OpenStack release perspective making it a little bit difficult.
> Poll: https://openinfrafoundation.formstack.com/forms/openinfra_ptg_2023
> As a reminder, we are also gathering feedback for the virtual PTG here: https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/Oct2022_PTGFeedback
> -Kendall Nelson (diablo_rojo)
> [1] https://openinfra.dev/summit/