As discussed at our IRC meeting today [1], I'm excited to share the nitty gritties of the upcoming OSC hack-a-thon. We'd be delighted to welcome existing and new contributors to come join us in the quest to achieve CLI parity in the OpenStackClient plugin within python-manilaclient.
- Maari Tamm has been the force behind this effort so far, and she's put up a very helpful "Getting Started" wiki [2] that we intend to expand through the hack-a-thon and finally add to the project's Contributor Docs. There are also several examples of recent additions [3][4][5] that could serve as inspiration.
- You're free to create, claim and edit Taiga cards for the implementation you're chasing, we highly recommend picking only one card, and not claiming something someone else already has. Please reach out to gouthamr/maaritamm if you have to be added to the taiga board.
- Also, Add yourself as a "watcher" to two other Taiga cards that someone else is implementing, this will mean that you will be a code reviewer on these implementations!
- You can work in teams - min size: 1, max size: 3
- You can submit code between Aug 18th 1200 UTC and Aug 21st 1200 UTC to count towards this hack-a-thon
- A day before the hack-a-thon, a few of us will gather to prep cards, communicate with owners if there are conflicts, pre-reqs, etc.
- During the hack-a-thon, we'll use #openstack-manila on OFTC to chat, and hop onto a meetpad room: when required.
- We'll have a half-hour kick-off session on Aug 18th at 1400 UTC
- We'll use the manila community meeting hour as a mid-point status check (Aug 19th, 1500 UTC)
- We'll have a half-hour close out meeting to discuss reviews, AIs and futures (grab your beers) (Aug 20th, 1500 UTC)
I'm quite excited to participate in this, and I hope you are too. Please feel free to reach out here or on OFTC's #openstack-manila if you have any questions!