On 2024-02-28 16:52:29 -0500 (-0500), Michael Knox wrote: [...]
There are some good docs on how to onboard, but it's not "sign in with google" and off to the races. Also, if for reasons you had a launchpad account for decades ago, it's not straightforward to recover. (at least in my specific use case). Folks on IRC are keen and willing to help, so not a people thing. [...]
I fully agree, this is known and it's a priority for us to fix. We've got a plan (and a spec), we already have a Keycloak server in production slated to become a SSO for all OpenDev services from which we can enable a variety of "social auth" identity providers. The current hurdle is Launchpad itself (UbuntuOne SSO technically). It implements what is essentially Livejournal OpenId v1 and Keycloak does not support that most ancient of protocols, so we need to find someone with the available time and expertise to develop a sort of "bridge" to proxy UbuntuOne identities into our Keycloak so we can provide continuity for our existing Gerrit accounts. I've heard someone may have college interns interested in a neatly-scoped project like that soon, so fingers crossed we can unblock the plan in the near future. -- Jeremy Stanley