The main question is, does the previous Victoria version [1] will be compatible with the latest neutron changes and with the latest engine facade introduced during Wallaby?
Releasing an unfixed engine facade code is useless, so we shouldn't release a new version of networking-midonet, because the project code won't be compatible with the rest of our projects (AFAIK neutron), unless, the previous version will not compatible either, and, unless, not releasing a Wallaby version leave the project branch uncut and so leave the corresponding series unmaintainable, and so unfixable a posteriori.
If we do not release a new version then we will use a previous version of networking-midonet. This version will be the last Victoria version [1].
I suppose that this version (the victoria version) isn't compatible with the new facade engine either, isn't it?
So release or not release a new version won't solve the facade engine problem, isn't?
You said that neutron evolved and networking-midonet didn't, hence even if we release networking-midonet in the current state it will fail too, isn't it?
However, releasing a new version and branching on it can give you the needed maintenance window to allow you to fix the issue later, when your gates will be fixed and then patches backported. git tags are cheap.
We should notice that since Victoria some patches have been merged in Wallaby so even if they aren't ground breaking changes they are changes that it is worth to release.
From a release point of view I think it's worth it to release a new version and to cut Wallaby. We are close to the it's deadline. That will land the available delta between Victoria and Wallaby. That will allow to fix the engine facade by opening a maintenance window. If the project is still lacking maintainers in a few weeks / months, this will allow a more smooth deprecation of this one.