
Someone please ?

Le 15/12/2022 à 10:52, Jérôme BECOT a écrit :

I should miss something, and I need some help. I've updated some rules that I placed in the /etc/nova/policy.yaml file. I use all defaults for the olso policies (ie scope is not enabled).

When I generate the fulle policy with oslopolicy-policy-generator, the rules are applied in the generated output. If I test the policy with oslopolicy-checker under the user's token, the results matches the permissions, but Nova API continue to refuse the operation

Policy check for os_compute_api:os-flavor-manage:create failed with credentials

I'm using the openstack cli to make the request (openstack flavor create)

Thanks for your help


Jérôme BECOT
Ingénieur DevOps Infrastructure

Téléphone fixe: 01 82 28 37 06
Mobile : +33 757 173 193
Deveryware - 43 rue Taitbout - 75009 PARIS