To the best of my knowledge, swift does not support profiling using osprofiler, but has its own profiler middleware[1], which stores profile data at in a local data file and expose it via an additional endpoint path. If you are looking for a specific integration with Jaeger then you may need to extend the middleware to send metrics to Jaeger (or create a different middleware using osprofiler or any other libraries). Swift also supports gathering metrics using the recon middleware or statsd[2] but this might not be very useful for your use case because it does not provide any view about tracing. [1] [2] On 12/22/23 05:34, Matheus Victorello wrote:
There is no OSProfiler for Swift, right? Is someone developing it? Is there anything related to OpenTelemetry in the context of Swift?
I need to know the entire path of a request, how much time is spent in each middleware, every call to external APIs made by middlewares, which proxy was used, and which storage nodes were utilized.
The best I have so far is to instrument the parts that interest me with Jaeger, simply because we already use it for other services.