Hi all,

On small change, the meeting will take place in the #openstack-operators channel, since the publiccloud channel isn't registered.

Talk to you all in Wednesday!


On 2022-07-07 09:54, Tobias Rydberg wrote:
Hi everyone,

In Berlin it became clear that there is a big interest in restarting the Public Cloud SIG. Thank you all for your contributions in that forum session [0] and the interest in participating in the work of this SIG.

A lot of good ideas of what we should focus on was identified, with a clear focus of interoperability and standardization, to make the experience of using OpenStack as an end-user even better. Standardization of images and flavors  - naming, metadata etc - being one of them, working closely with InterOp WG regarding the checks and governance of the OpenStack Powered Program another. The ultimate goal could be to reach a state where it is possible to start to federate between the public clouds, but for that to be possible on a more global scale we need to start with aligning the simple things.

To kick this off, we will start with bi-weekly IRC meetings again, shape the goals kick of some work towards identified goals. Since we have an IRC channel (#openstck-publiccloud) my suggestion is that we will start there. Let's decide on suggestions for day and time for our bi-weekly meetings during the kick off meeting.

Kick off meeting
When: Wednesday 10th of August at 1400 UTC
Where: IRC in channel #openstack-publiccloud

I created an etherpad for our first meeting [1], feel free to add items to the agenda or other suggestions on goals etc that you might have prior to the meeting.

Hope to see at IRC in August!

[0] https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/berlin-summit-future-public-cloud-sig
[1] https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/publiccloud-sig-kickoff

Tobias Rydberg

Tobias Rydberg
Solution Architect

Email: tobias.rydberg@cleura.com

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