How we view OpenStack within our community here is usually vastly different than the majority of enterprises and how they view it. Side note: My biggest gripe with OpenStack leadership is actually that everything is viewed from the lens of a developer which, I feel, is contributing to the plateau/decline in its adoption. That is but that's a topic for another day.
Most organizations ( as I've seen anyway) view OpenStack as a product that is compared to other cloud products like vCloud Director/similar. And after 8 years architecting clouds with it, I see it the same way. So I'm not exactly inclined to split hairs with how it is characterized.
Bottom line though, ensuring that non-developers are able to easily able to get their questions answered will, in my personal opinion, either promote OpenStack or promote the conception that it requires a team of developers to understand and run which kills any serious consideration in the boardroom.
Sorry to the OP, didn't mean to hijack your thread here. :) just raises an important topic th get I see come up over and over.