4 Jun
4 Jun
2:22 a.m.
I found where was my issue. After using different GRUBX64.efi and BOOTX64.efi binaries (this time from https://vault.centos.org/8.3.2011/BaseOS/x86_64/kickstart/EFI/BOOT/ instead from Ubuntu Bionic LiveCD) everything worked normally and the large initrd was successfully loaded. It seems that used EFI binaries from Ubuntu had that issue. Advice in such case is: check with another bootloader variant/version if the problem persists. Thanks! -Vuk On Mon, May 17, 2021 at 4:14 PM Dmitry Tantsur <dtantsur@redhat.com> wrote:
I'm not sure. We have never hit this problem with DIB-built images before. I know that TripleO uses an even larger image than one we publish on tarballs.o.o.