24 Nov
24 Nov
5:14 p.m.
Congratulations, Steve! - Jay Faulkner On Tue, Nov 24, 2020 at 7:10 AM Julia Kreger <juliaashleykreger@gmail.com> wrote:
Greetings everyone,
I would like to propose Steve Baker for ironic-core. Steve shifted into focusing on Ironic contribution this year and he has been actively reviewing changes during the Victoria and now Wallaby cycle. He has brought insight, drive, and a curiosity to ask questions. Plus he took on the challenge of removing wsme from Ironic's API which is no small feat.
I've run this nomination past the existing cores and everyone responded in full support of doing so.
So if there are no objections, I'll add Steve to ironic-core next week.
Otherwise, Congratulations Steve!