On 1/18/2019 12:40 PM, Dan Smith wrote:
Having a microversion that allows move operations for an instance configured with one of these ports seems really terrible to me.
I agree with that sentiment.
Can we not return 403 in Stein, since moving instances is disable-able anyway, and just make it work in Train? Having a new microversion with a description of "nothing changed except we finished a feature so you can do this very obscure thing now" seems like we're just using them as an experimental feature flag, which was definitely not the intent. I know returning 403 for "you can't do this right now" isn't*as* discoverable, but you kinda have to handle 403 for operations that could be disabled anyway, so...
We didn't discuss it too much on the call, but in thinking about it afterward, I think I would be OK with treating this like a bug fix in Train. We can fail move operations until we support this, and then once we support it, we just do, without a microversion. As noted, clients have to deal with this kind of stuff already, and I don't remember saying when we support live migration with NUMA (which now fails unless configured otherwise) that we would add a microversion for that - it either just works or it doesn't. So I'm OK with not adding a second microversion for move operation support later. -- Thanks, Matt