6 Apr
6 Apr
4:41 p.m.
On 20-04-06 22:19:01, Pierre Riteau wrote:
A heads up for other projects using wsmeext.sphinxext: it seems to be broken following the release of Sphinx 3.0.0 yesterday. Our openstack-tox-docs job in blazar started to fail with:
Extension error: Could not import extension wsmeext.sphinxext (exception: cannot import name 'l_' from 'sphinx.locale'
Looks like it would affect aodh and cloudkitty too.
Pierre Riteau (priteau)
We are reverting the update, but I'd request that if we don't want this to happen again (it's an acknowledged upstream bug) we need to mask it. At this point nothing has been acknowledged upstream (to my knowledge). -- Matthew Thode (prometheanfire)