Hi, I using the following setup for Octavia load balancer on OVS Ansible openstack_user_config.yml - network: container_bridge: "br-lbaas" container_type: "veth" container_interface: "eth14" host_bind_override: "eth14" ip_from_q: "octavia" type: "flat" net_name: "octavia" group_binds: - neutron_openvswitch_agent - octavia-worker - octavia-housekeeping - octavia-health-manager user_variables.yml octavia_provider_network_name: "octavia" octavia_provider_network_type: flat octavia_neutron_management_network_name: lbaas-mgmt /etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml br-lbaas: dhcp4: no interfaces: [ bond10 ] addresses: [] parameters: stp: false forward-delay: 0 bond10: dhcp4: no addresses: [] interfaces: [ens16] parameters: mode: balance-tlb brctl show bridge name bridge id STP enabled interfaces br-lbaas 8000.d60e4e80f672 no 2ea34552_eth14 bond10 However, I am getting the following error when creating the load balance octavia.amphorae.drivers.haproxy.rest_api_driver [-] Could not connect to instance. Retrying.: requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=9443 The Octavia api container unable to connect to the amphora instance. Any missing configuration, cause I need to manually add in the eth14 interface to the br-lbaas bridge in order to fix the connection issue brctl addif br-lbaas eth14 Thanks