On Mon, 17 Jun 2019, Sean Mooney wrote:
On Mon, 2019-06-17 at 11:02 +0100, Chris Dent wrote:
Is the latest iteration of the candidate placement logo. Please shout out if it's not okay. It's been through a few iterations of feedback to get it to a form closer to what we discussed a couple of weeks ago.
For those not aware: The image is of an Australian Magpie. i like the image in general but i think the red and the angle of the iris sets the wrong tone. it reads as slightly arragant/sinister
It's red because it is an australian magpie, which has red eyes. It is supposed to be somewhat sinister/snarky/bossing-you-about-where-to-place-your-stuff. An earlier version was even more so, and a smile was added to make it look less so, and that was too much. So this tries to strike a bit of a balance.
its kind of hard to edit a 640*640 png without and get the quality you would want for a logo but i mocked up a slight change that i think makes it more cheerful and aprochable. i think the rotation of the iris is the main thing.
If you view the image in a smaller size (which it will often be) the red goes more like a glint.
the more hoizontal placement of the in the origial makes the image look like the magpie si look over its sholder at you where as the more vertical inclanation in my modifed version read less like its stearing at you.
It is supposed to be looking back at you a bit. Based on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Australian_magpie#/media/File:Magpie_samcem05....
looking at the original because of its stance and the perception its watching you it read more like a raven giving me an edger alan po vibe but i think the modifed version could be a magpie. the cyan/blue tones also read much more like the magpies i am used to seeing https://download.ams.birds.cornell.edu/api/v1/asset/70580781/1800
That picture is a European Magpie, completely different bird. An australian magpie isn't really a magpie. -- Chris Dent ٩◔̯◔۶ https://anticdent.org/ freenode: cdent