Hi Clark,

Why is the retirement of openstack/neutron-lbaas being a problem?

The repo is there and accessible under the same URL, it has (potentially working) stable/pike and stable/queens branches, and was not retired at the time of Pike or Queens, so IMO it is a valid request for testing configuration in the same branches of other projects, openstack/heat in this case.

Maybe we should leave some minimal zuul configs in retired projects for zuul to find them?


On Wed, Nov 17, 2021 at 9:45 AM Slawek Kaplonski <skaplons@redhat.com> wrote:

On środa, 17 listopada 2021 08:26:14 CET Slawek Kaplonski wrote:
> Hi,
> I just checked neutron related things there and it seems there are 2 major
> issues there:
> 1. move of the tap-as-a-service from x/ to openstack/ namespace (that
> networking-midonet) - I will propose patch for that today.
> 2. remove of the neutron-lbaas repo (that affects much more than only
> repos - for that I will try to propose patches this week as well.

There are also some missing job definitions in some of the neutron related
repos and also issues with missing openstack/networking-l2gw project. I will
take a look into all those issues in next days.

> On wtorek, 16 listopada 2021 17:58:44 CET Clark Boylan wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > The OpenStack tenant in Zuul currently has 134 config errors. You can find
> > these errors at https://zuul.opendev.org/t/openstack/config-errors or by
> > clicking the blue bell icon in the top right of
> > https://zuul.opendev.org/t/openstack/status. The vast majority of these
> > errors appear related to project renames that have been requested of
> > or project retirements. Can you please look into fixing these as they can
> > an attractive nuisance when debugging Zuul problems (they also indicate
> > a number of your jobs are probably not working).
> >
> > Project renames creating issues:
> >  * openstack/python-tempestconf -> osf/python-tempestconf ->
> >
> > openinfra/python-tempestconf * openstack/refstack -> osf/refstack ->
> > openinfra/refstack
> >
> >  * x/tap-as-a-service -> openstack/tap-as-a-service
> >  * openstack/networking-l2gw -> x/networking-l2gw
> >
> > Project retirements creating issues:
> >  * openstack/neutron-lbaas
> >  * recordsansible/ara
> >
> > Projects whose configs have errors:
> >  * openinfra/python-tempestconf
> >  * openstack/heat
> >  * openstack/ironic
> >  * openstack/kolla-ansible
> >  * openstack/kuryr-kubernetes
> >  * openstack/murano-apps
> >  * openstack/networking-midonet
> >  * openstack/networking-odl
> >  * openstack/neutron
> >  * openstack/neutron-fwaas
> >  * openstack/python-troveclient
> >  * openstack/senlin
> >  * openstack/tap-as-a-service
> >  * openstack/zaqar
> >  * x/vmware-nsx
> >  * openinfra/openstackid
> >  * openstack/barbican
> >  * openstack/cookbook-openstack-application-catalog
> >  * openstack/heat-dashboard
> >  * openstack/manila-ui
> >  * openstack/python-manilaclient
> >
> > Let us know if we can help decipher any errors,
> > Clark

Slawek Kaplonski
Principal Software Engineer
Red Hat

Dr. Pavlo Shchelokovskyy
Principal Software Engineer
Mirantis Inc