Hey Jay, Sorry you encountered it. There were recent changes in reports api to extend related functionality. You may find a proper link in the module main page (https://www.stackalytics.io/?module=ironic-group). Currently only a 30 days link is there, though you may set any number there. Particularly for your case it will be https://www.stackalytics.io/report/contribution?module=ironic-group&project_type=openstack&days=90 Also you may find new release specific reports useful. Links are dynamically generated according to the selected release/company. On Wed, Feb 17, 2021 at 2:11 PM Jay Faulkner <jay.faulkner@verizonmedia.com> wrote:
First of all, thanks for standing up stackalytics.io! I love the idea that open source + open data can be a form of redundancy through re-creation. I did want to draw attention to the fact the review reports (e.g. https://www.stackalytics.com/report/contribution/ironic-group/90) do not appear to be populated on the stackalytics.io server recently stood up. I frequently use these to grade my upstream review performance against my other core-reviewer peers and would appreciate getting it back up.
Thanks again for fixing the main site though, that's great.
- Jay Faulkner
On Wed, Jan 13, 2021 at 8:13 AM Andrii Ostapenko <anost1986@gmail.com> wrote:
On Tue, Jan 12, 2021 at 10:36 PM Sean Mooney <smooney@redhat.com> wrote:
On Tue, 2021-01-12 at 22:17 -0600, Andrii Ostapenko wrote:
Hi all!
Since https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__stackalytics.com&d=DwIBaQ&c=sWW_bEwW_mLyN3Kx2v57Q8e-CRbmiT9yOhqES_g_wVY&r=NKR1jXf8to59hDGraABDUb4djWcsAXM11_v4c7uz0Tg&m=ndfw_yh_qYb8di0GXCiEICm2BhnkwwpPDdmBjTDJdZY&s=HwrXk2cHA2_wlSsTr2-1XXPq3JXpKhCJMaNi98HdLCg&e= is not operational for quite some time already, I exposed another instance on https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__stackalytics.io&d=DwIBaQ&c=sWW_bEwW_mLyN3Kx2v57Q8e-CRbmiT9yOhqES_g_wVY&r=NKR1jXf8to59hDGraABDUb4djWcsAXM11_v4c7uz0Tg&m=ndfw_yh_qYb8di0GXCiEICm2BhnkwwpPDdmBjTDJdZY&s=VGP40Fa22Mj3PVrROSMx6aqeY4VQbl2OKdSYTlV5DPE&e= It shares the same configuration and is kept updated. You're welcome to use it at least until stackalytics.com is up and running (just please be gentle).
is there any documentaiton on how to deploy our own instance of it if we want too or either go offline in the future?
I've started with https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__wiki.openstack.org_wiki_Stackalytics_HowToRun&d=DwIBaQ&c=sWW_bEwW_mLyN3Kx2v57Q8e-CRbmiT9yOhqES_g_wVY&r=NKR1jXf8to59hDGraABDUb4djWcsAXM11_v4c7uz0Tg&m=ndfw_yh_qYb8di0GXCiEICm2BhnkwwpPDdmBjTDJdZY&s=NIYaHOOrrOlwkX4bhIiQCx4eeKLRTv99QXYiof8Mu8g&e= Though addressed some blocking code issues and did a couple of enhancements. Will push them once have some time to make the code better.
Sincerely, Andrii Ostapenko