W dniu 05.05.2020 o 15:56, Bogdan Dobrelya pisze:
Let's for a minute imagine that each of the raised concerns is addressable. And as a thought experiment, let's put here WHAT has to be addressed for Kolla w/o the need of abandoning it for a custom tooling:
1) input image (centos/ubi0/ubuntu/clear/whatever)
* support ubi8 base images
"kolla-build --base-image ubi8" has you covered. Or you can provide a patch which will switch to ubi8 for some of existing targets. Easy, really.
2) Packaging method for the application (source/rpm/dpkg/magic)
* abstract away all the packaging methods (at least above the base image) to some (better?) DSL perhaps
What is DSL? Digital Subscriber Line? Did Something Likeable? Droids Supporting Legacy? I decided to not follow rest of discussion. Let you guys invent something interesting and working. I can just follow then.