This was the issue that I ran into. I have defined management_network in az. Now it's working fine. The other issue I am having is I am unable to delete az and its profile while using percona xtradb cluster with pxc_strict_mode enforcing. openstack loadbalancer availabilityzone delete abc24 (1105, "Percona-XtraDB-Cluster doesn't recommend using SERIALIZABLE isolation with pxc_strict_mode = ENFORCING") (HTTP 500) (Request-ID: req-c40c4902-110d-4b11-8cf8-6542d17768ba) Ammad On Mon, Jan 3, 2022 at 12:02 PM Gregory Thiemonge <> wrote:
Hi Ammad,
Do you have a reproducer for this issue (CLI or API calls)?
We recently fixed a similar bug when using Octavia availability zones: The fix is included in 9.0.1
On Tue, Dec 28, 2021 at 1:58 PM Ammad Syed <> wrote:
I am using octavia 9.0. I have created a neutron vlan based management network of octavia. I am creating a loadbalancer with a subnet in the tenant network, its getting created successfully. Then added a listener and created a pool, both created successfully.
Now a weird situation is happening. Now when I add a member in the pool, the management network interface get detached automatically from the AMPHORA instance and amphora keeps in PENDING_UPDATE state.
I have created a dedicated service-project for octavia and management network and subnet resides there.
Any advise how to fix it ?
-- Regards, Syed Ammad Ali