25 Mar
25 Mar
2:58 a.m.
On Mon, 18 Mar 2019, Chris Dent wrote:
To that end, could any nova-core that would like to continue as a placement-core please contact me privately (IRC or email is fine) to let me know. If you're not interested in regularly reviewing in placement, you don't need to do anything. Thanks for your help and support thus far. If you have time in the future to start reviewing placement projects, great, we'll happily welcome you back.
It's been a week. I've removed nova-core from placement-core. If you missed this message when it first came around, no problem, let me know and I'll sign you up. -- Chris Dent ٩◔̯◔۶ https://anticdent.org/ freenode: cdent tw: @anticdent