Hi, Does anyone have a good pointer for good healthchecks to be used by the frontend api haproxy loadbalancer? in one case that I am looking at right now, the entry haproxy loadbalancer was not able to detect a particular backend being not responding to api requests, so it flipped up and down repeatedly, causing intermittend spurious 503 errors. The backend was able to respond to connections and to basic HTTP GET requests (e.g. / or even /v3 as path), but when it got a "real" query it hung. the reason for that was, as it turned out, the configured caching backend memcached on that machine being locked up (due to some other bug). I wonder if there is a better way to check if a backend is "working" and what the best practices around this are. A potential thought I had was to do the backend check via some other healthcheck specific port that runs a custom daemon that does more sophisticated checks like checking for system wide errors (like memcache, database, rabbitmq) being unavailable on that node, and hence not accepting any api traffic until that is being resolved. Any pointers to read upon / best practices appreciated. Thanks, Dirk