On Wed, 2024-08-14 at 22:38 +0530, engineer2024 wrote:
Hi All,
How many more releases are you planning to include eventlet in them ? Seems they are removing any support for further development according to their official website. So, is the community thinking of any alternatives ? Also, can someone write a small blog on how to use backdoor to debug the nova processes. That would be a great help until then....
it will be a multi year effort to remove eventlet its a massive change we are starting to work on that but not anytime soon you have asked how to debug without actully explciing your issue a few times perhaps you could acutlly explian what your trying to debug and we could point you in the probable right direciton in general we do not diganose issues by debuging nova or opentsack we try ot ensure there is enough loggin at debug level to be able to deduce what happend form the logs for use that have to supprot downstream distiobutions we do not get the opertunity to log into custoemer systems and use a debugger in porduciton to figure out what when wrong. we have to figure that out form the debug logs and inspecting the code instead. there are way to make nova work in a debguger without using the eventlet backdoor to a limited degree but its not super relyable and we generally dont do it.
Thanks elinux