On 2019-02-26 17:03:51 +0000 (+0000), Sean Mooney wrote:
On Tue, 2019-02-26 at 11:35 -0500, Clark Boylan wrote: [...]
is there something that the dashboard is failing to do that this would address? At any time you should be able to check the zuul dashboard for an up to date status of your in progress jobs.
for me know but i find that many people dont know about zuul.openstack.org and that you can view the jobs and there logs (once a job finishes) before zuul comments back.
perhaps posting a comment when zuul starts contain a line ot zull.o.o would help the discoverability aspect. [...]
We've had some semi-successful experiments in the past with exposing a filtered progress view of Zuul builds in the Gerrit WebUI. Previous attempts were stymied by the sheer volume of status API requests from hundreds of developers with dozens of open browser tabs to different Gerrit changes. Now that we've got the API better cached and separated out to its own service we may be able to weather the storm. There's also new support being worked on in Gerrit for improved CI reporting, and for which we'll hopefully be able to take advantage eventually. -- Jeremy Stanley