Hi Ashwinkumar, Welcome to using OpenStack and Octavia. I can talk to Octavia, but I do not yet have much experience with RDO deployments. RDO has a page for LBaaS (though it is using the old neutron-lbaas with Octavia) here: https://www.rdoproject.org/networking/lbaas/ They also have a users mailing list that might provide more help for deploying with RDO: http://rdoproject.org/contribute/mailing-lists/ RDO also has an IRC channel on Freenode called #rdo. As for Octavia, Octavia integrates with neutron for networking. Any of the supported ML2 drivers for neutron should work fine with Octavia. If you would like to chat about Octavia, the team has a channel on Freenode IRC called #openstack-lbaas. We would be happy to help you get started. Michael On Wed, Jun 12, 2019 at 7:54 AM Ashwinkumar Kandasami <kashwinkumar10@gmail.com> wrote:
I am a graduate student trying to deploy openstack in my own environment. I waana configure openstack octavia with my existing openstack cloud. I done the openstack deployment using RDO project. I tried configure openstack with ovn neutron l2 agent with octavia but i getting alert like we can’t able to use octavia for ovn type neutron agent, then how can i use it??
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