On 2021-05-20 20:52:30 +0200 (+0200), Thomas Goirand wrote: [...]
No, I do not want that anyone keeps any logs of the things on IRC. I don't like it. I would prefer if the Foundation was not keeping any IRC log using some bots. If that's useful, then please erase these logs after a month. Otherwise, it's like putting a microphone in my office, and listening to what I say to my colleagues (at least, it's the same feeling).
"The foundation" isn't doing anything in particular related to IRC. The OpenDev Collaboratory on the other hand runs an IRC bot which channels can opt into for long-term logging of discussions. Those logs are published here: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/irclogs/ Some, like #openstack-dev, have (quite literally) a decade of historical channel logs. I see it as an important archival record of the project's open development and design, almost all the way back to its very origins. -- Jeremy Stanley