Howdy all, TL;DR: I have a question, does the Telemetry service (or any other service) still make use of the server usage audit log API in Nova [1]? Recently I was investigating customer issues where the nova.task_log database table grows infinitely and is never cleaned up [2]. I asked about it today in #openstack-nova [3] and Matt Riedemann explained that the API is toggled via config option [4] and that the Telemetry service is/was the consumer of the API. I found through code inspection that there are no methods for deleting nova.task_log records and am trying to determine what is the best way forward for handling cleanup. Matt mentioned the possibility of deprecating the server usage audit log API altogether, which we might be able to do if no one is using it anymore. So, I was thinking: * If Telemetry is no longer using the server usage audit log API, we deprecate it in Nova and notify deployment tools to stop setting [DEFAULT]/instance_usage_audit = true to prevent further creation of nova.task_log records and recommend manual cleanup by users or * If Telemetry is still using the server usage audit log API, we create a new 'nova-manage db purge_task_log --before <date>' (or similar) command that will hard delete nova.task_log records before a specified date or all if --before is not specified Can anyone shed any light on whether Telemetry, or any other service, still uses the server usage audit log API in Nova? Would we be able to deprecate it? If we can't, what do you think of the nova-manage command idea? I would appreciate hearing your thoughts about it. Cheers, -melanie [1] [2] [3] [4]