Hi Lingxian,
First of all, I would like to apologize because the email is pretty long. I listed all the steps I went through just to make sure that I did everything correctly.
No need to apologize, more information is always helpful to solve the problem.
Like Gaetan said, the webhook is supposed to be invoked by http POST.
9- Checking aodh alarm history by aodh alarm-history show ea16edb9-2000-471b-88e5-46f54208995e -f yaml . So I got this response
10- Last step is to check the function execution in qinling and here is the response. (empty bracket). I am not sure what is the problem.
Yeah, from the output of alarm history, the alarm is not triggered, as a result, there won't be execution created by the webhook.
Seems like the aodh-listener didn't receive the message or the message was ignored. Could you paste the aodh-listener log but make sure:
1. `debug = True` in /etc/aodh/aodh.conf
2. Trigger the python script again