Hello Team, 

We currently utilize SwiftStack Object Storage to meet our object storage requirements, and our cluster has a Primary Zone/Secondary Zone topology. Recently, we attempted to remove/disable the Secondary Zone. However, upon doing so, we observed a concerning trend: the storage utilization in the Primary Zone rapidly increased, reaching approximately 90%. This surge was particularly notable due to the use of the 'tworeplicaperregion' policy.

In an attempt to address this, we brought the Secondary Zone nodes back online, expecting Swift to redistribute the data back to these nodes and alleviate the storage strain on the Primary Zone. Despite reintegrating the Secondary Zone nodes into the cluster, we continue to witness a persistent rise in storage utilization within the Primary Zone.

Interestingly, two out of the three nodes in the Primary Zone seem to bear the brunt of the data and tokens, while the third node is not receiving a proportional distribution of data.

At this juncture, we are seeking guidance on potential configurations or adjustments, such as specific knobs, that could expedite the rebalance process. Our objective is to efficiently distribute the data across nodes, particularly in the Primary Zone, and optimize the overall storage utilization in our SwiftStack Object Storage cluster. Any insights or recommendations on tuning parameters for a swifter rebalance would be highly appreciated.


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