o/ tripleos
update on stable/victoria for the tripleo things. You may have noticed that we have a stable/victoria branch in our repos after [1] merged.
The ci squad discussed this again today and we think we are good to go on merging to stable/victoria. I see there are already a few patches posted - note that we need to merge all of the .gitreview patches [2] and each repo has one, before patches will appear on stable/victoria in gerrit (or rebase your stuff onto the relevant review).
For CI there is still some ongoing work - for example victoria upgrade jobs [3] - as well as third party/ovb branchful jobs. You can see some tests at [4][5]. Please shout if you see something wrong with the stable/victoria check or gate jobs - as usual <nick|ruck> or <nick|rover> is your first port of call in freenode #tripleo #oooq.
The wallaby series is also now a thing in launchpad - as usual we have wallaby-1 wallaby-2 wallaby-3 and wallaby-rc1 [6] - I used [7] as reference for the milestone dates. The victoria series is marked "current stable release" so wallaby is now the active series. I'll run the scripts tomorrow (once I find them ;)) to move all the bugs currently targeted to victoria into wallaby-1.
please reach out for any clarifications/questions/suggestions/corrections!
regards, marios
https://review.opendev.org/#/c/760598/ [3]