Rico Lin <rico.lin.guanyu@gmail.com> writes:
On Wed, Aug 7, 2019 at 9:41 AM James E. Blair <corvus@inaugust.com> wrote:
I had previously added an entry to the suggestions wiki page, but I did not see it in this email:
* University
(Shanghai is famous for its universities)
To pick one at random, the "University of Shanghai for Science and Technology" is a place in Shanghai; I think that meets the requirement for "physical or human geography".
It's a point of pride that Shanghai has so many renowned universities, so I think it's a good choice and one well worth considering.
Just added it in https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Release_Naming/U_Proposals Will make sure TCs evaluate on this one when evaluating names that do not meet the criteria Thanks for the idea
Sorry if I wasn't clear, I had already added it to the wiki page more than a week ago -- you can still see my entry there at the bottom of the list of names that do meet the criteria. Here's the diff: https://wiki.openstack.org/w/index.php?title=Release_Naming%2FU_Proposals&type=revision&diff=171231&oldid=171132 Also, I do think this meets the criteria, since there is a place in Shanghai with "University" in the name. This is similar to "Pike" which is short for the "Massachusetts Turnpike", which was deemed to meet the criteria for the P naming poll. Of course, as the coordinator it's up to you to determine whether it meets the criteria, but I believe it does, and hope you agree. Thanks, Jim