I think originally it was one, but the survey grew enough that 2 questions were needed by a lot of projects.  Definitely feel free to add another question.  And I agree - having a free-text question is cool, but it doesn't help for tracking trends, by and large. 

Sometimes we're even able to fold two questions into one... so if you can give us an idea of exactly the data you want and how you would format the questions in a perfect world, we might be able to get more out of it. 

For instance, a follow up question like "Other, please explain" still only counts as the one question :)  So if you want to do some second level dependency stuff, we might be able to extract more data out of it.


On Aug 10 2020, at 6:38 pm, Julia Kreger <juliaashleykreger@gmail.com> wrote:
For me, it is less about aggregate usage of the respondent users, and
more about collecting the actual utilization statistics for running
deployments so we can make informed decisions. For example, If we know
there is huge IPMI console usage, then we can know how to prioritize
the same for redfish, or potentially not.

I do also like the open-ended question response nature, but I've not
found the data very valuable except to help tailor some of the outward
facing communications for purposes of project updates. Largely because
many users are not "zoomed in" at the level most contributors or even
where everyday individual project users are. They are zoomed out
looking at the whole.

If OSF is willing for us to have two questions, I'm all for making use
of it. I always thought we would only be permitted one.


On Mon, Aug 10, 2020 at 2:06 PM Kanevsky, Arkady
<Arkady.Kanevsky@dell.com> wrote:
> Do we know what % of current deployments use Ironic?
> I recall several years back it was 25%. But do not recall seeing latest info.
> Then Julia question on size and which components of Ironic are being used.
> Maybe if we treat “N/A” answers as they do not use Ironic it first into a single question.
> I do love open ended question where users can ask for improvements/extensions.
> Thanks,
> Arkady
> From: Allison Price <allison@openstack.org>
> Sent: Monday, August 10, 2020 12:31 PM
> To: Ruby Loo
> Cc: Julia Kreger; openstack-discuss
> Subject: Re: [Ironic] User Survey question
> Coming solely from the User Survey POV, each project and SIG is allowed up to 2 questions. We create that limit to ensure that the survey does not get too terribly long.
> If the Ironic team would like to add one question, we can.
> Thanks!
> Allison
> On Aug 10, 2020, at 12:28 PM, Ruby Loo <opensrloo@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Julia,
> Please remind me, are we allowed one question?
> I was wondering what prevents us from having this tool and then announcing/asking folks to provide the information. Or is the idea that if no one says 'yes', it would be a waste of time to provide such a tool? My concern is that if this is the only question we are allowed to ask, we might not get that much useful information.
> What about pain-points wrt ironic? Could we ask that?
> --ruby
> On Mon, Aug 10, 2020 at 12:23 PM Julia Kreger <juliaashleykreger@gmail.com> wrote:
> Greetings awesome Artificial Intelligences and fellow humanoid carbon units!
> This week I need to submit the question for the 2021 user survey. We
> discussed this some during our weekly IRC meeting today.[0]
> Presently, the question is:
> "Ironic: What would you find most useful if it was part of ironic?"
> I'd like to propose we collect more data in order to enable us to make
> informed decisions for features and maintenance work moving forward.
> While this is long term thinking, I'm wondering if operators would be
> interested in collecting and submitting some basic data or using a
> tool, to submit anonymous usage data so we can gain insight into
> hardware types in use, numbers of machines, which interfaces are used,
> etc.
> So I'm thinking something along the lines of:
> "Ironic: Would you be willing to submit anonymous usage statistics
> (Number of nodes, conductors, which drivers are in use, etc) if such a
> tool existed? Yes/No/Not Applicable"
> Thoughts? Feelings? Concerns? Other ideas?
> -Julia
> [0]: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/ironic/2020/ironic.2020-08-10-15.00.log.html