Hi Allison,

Can I have access to the raw user survey data, without having them split into separate questions?
For instance, I'd like to extract information like "% of users using NetApp Cinder driver in a Queens deployment".


On Sat, 22 Aug 2020 at 14:15, Allison Price <allison@openstack.org> wrote:
Hi Bernd,

Thanks for reaching out. We will change the FAQ with updated contact information, but I can help you on this request. Attached is a spreadsheet with the anonymous data distribution for the Neutron driver question from the 2019 survey. The 2020 data will be available soon, so please let me know if that’s data you would like as well.  

If there are other specific questions you would like anonymous data on, please let me know as it does need to be pulled manually. 


Allison Price
OpenStack Foundation

On Aug 21, 2020, at 9:33 PM, Bernd Bausch <berndbausch@mailbox.org> wrote:

Is there a way to get access to raw user survey data? Some of the graphical data on the analytics page is unreadable, in particular information about Neutron's drivers:<jjojlgndnihopfcd.png>

The analytics FAQ tells me to contact heidijoy@openstack.org for questions, but email to this address bounces back.

550 5.1.1 <heidijoy@openstack.org>: Email address could not be found, or was misspelled (G8)

Thanks much,
