it gives me this error:

# openstack server create --image cirros-0.6.2-x86_64 --flavor s1.tiny --network net-int-01 vm001 --boot-from-volume 1 --wait --os-compute-api-version 2.67  --block-device volume_type=vol_type_nfs:destination_type=volume

Block Device Mapping is Invalid: Specifying a volume_type with destination_type=local is not supported. (HTTP 400) (Request-ID: req-2c7f99c8-77ca-4c99-a500-13c983a1fce4)

any clue? what am i missing?
thank you.

On Mon, Jan 29, 2024 at 5:15 PM Danny Webb <> wrote:
openstack server create has the following flag to specify the volume creation during server creation which takes volume_type as a argument:

                        Create a block device on the server.
                        Either a path to a JSON file or a CSV-serialized string describing the block device mapping.
                        The following keys are accepted for both:
                        uuid=<uuid>: UUID of the volume, snapshot or ID (required if using source image, snapshot or volume),
                        source_type=<source_type>: source type (one of: image, snapshot, volume, blank),
                        destination_type=<destination_type>: destination type (one of: volume, local) (optional),
                        disk_bus=<disk_bus>: device bus (one of: uml, lxc, virtio, ...) (optional),
                        device_type=<device_type>: device type (one of: disk, cdrom, etc. (optional),
                        device_name=<device_name>: name of the device (optional),
                        volume_size=<volume_size>: size of the block device in MiB (for swap) or GiB (for everything else) (optional),
                        guest_format=<guest_format>: format of device (optional),
                        boot_index=<boot_index>: index of disk used to order boot disk (required for volume-backed instances),
                        delete_on_termination=<true|false>: whether to delete the volume upon deletion of server (optional),
                        tag=<tag>: device metadata tag (optional),
                        volume_type=<volume_type>: type of volume to create (name or ID) when source if blank, image or snapshot and dest is volume (optional)

From: garcetto <>
Sent: 29 January 2024 15:36
To: OpenStack Discuss <>
Subject: [cinder][nova] server create boot volume choosing

CAUTION: This email originates from outside THG

good afternoon,
  i have multiple backend types, so also different volumes types; is there an option on "openstack server create" to also specify the volume type on instance creation time?

thank you.