Hi Everyone,

An update on the Glance PTG etherpad[1] , on Friday 08 April, we will be having another session to discuss Secure RBAC community goal where we will be discussion what work we need to target in this cycle,
This session will be held after Open hour session happening on Thursday so it will give us more clarity about community goal and Zed cycle target.

[1] https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/zed-glance-ptg

Thanks & Best Regards,

Abhishek Kekane

On Mon, Mar 28, 2022 at 7:26 PM Abhishek Kekane <akekane@redhat.com> wrote:
Hello All,

Zed PTG is going to start next week and if you haven't already registered, please do so as soon as possible [1].

I have created an etherpad [2] and also added day wise topics along with timings we are going to discuss. Kindly let me know if you have any concerns with allotted time slots. We also have one slot open on Wednesday and Friday is kept reserved for any unplanned discussions. So please feel free to add your topics if you still haven't added yet.

As a reminder, these are the time slots for our discussion.

Tuesday 5 April 2022
1400 UTC to 1700 UTC

Wednesday 6 April 2022
1400 UTC to 1700 UTC

Thursday 7 April 2022
1400 UTC to 1700 UTC

Friday 8 April 2022
1400 UTC to 1700 UTC

At the moment we don't have any sessions scheduled on Friday, if there are any last moment request(s)/topic(s) we will discuss them on Friday else we will conclude our PTG on Thursday 7th April.

We will be using bluejeans for our discussion, kindly try to use it once before the actual discussion. The meeting URL is mentioned in etherpad [2] and will be the same throughout the PTG.

[1] https://openinfra-ptg.eventbrite.com/
[2] https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/zed-glance-ptg

Thank you,
