Here is what I proposed for mistral CI until we managed a better or global option: Cheers, On 09.11.23 - 13:31, wrote:
On Thu, 2023-11-09 at 07:14 +0000, Arnaud Morin wrote:
I was thinking the same, but this is what I have: $ pip freeze |grep pbr pbr==6.0.0
so... that is not enough it turns out that pep 660 explcitly does not cover datafile or sciprt it only covers pure python libs
so pbr now has support for pep-660 and editable wheels. that pep does not support our use of a pbr/setupppols/distutils custom entrypoints
so in editbale mode nothing invokes the logic in pbr to genergate the wsgi scripts
i was talkign to stephenfin about his this morning an i think the best approch will be to stop using wsgi_script in openstack in general we can support both as a transition period. stephen is workign on a very small poc patch to export our wsgi scripts as console_scripts for nova and we can see if that work with devstack as we expect.
this was aready done for gnocchi if you want to see what it looks like but the nova version shoudl be closer to what we woudl expect others to do.
i dont really see a way for use to continue to support wsgi_scripts via pbr and it actully might make sense longterm to just move to using setuptools_scm instead as our packaging system.
i raised my fustration at the fact that pep-660 has no way to enable this type of extention in
if the nova poc works and we agree on that direction i can try and update the patches i submitted do the same for other project if their maintainers done have time to take them over but my time is also limited.
On 08.11.23 - 23:28, Jeremy Stanley wrote:
On 2023-11-08 23:11:54 +0000 (+0000), Arnaud Morin wrote:
Are we sure this solution works? I am still not having any wsgi scripts in my bin/ folder, even with the pyproject.toml file... [...]
For editable installs (pip install -e ...) you need the PEP 660 support in PBR 6.0.0, which has only been out for a day now. -- Jeremy Stanley