---- On Thu, 20 May 2021 07:21:14 -0500 Mohammed Naser <mnaser@vexxhost.com> wrote ----
On Wed, May 19, 2021 at 9:23 AM Erno Kuvaja <ekuvaja@redhat.com> wrote:
Hi all,
For those of you who have not woken up to this sad day yet. Andrew Lee has taken his stance as owner of freenode ltd. and by the (one sided) story of the former volunteer staff members basically forced the whole community out.
As there is history of LTM shutting down networks before (snoonet), it is appropriate to expect that the intentions here are not aligned with the communities and specially the users who's data he has access to via this administrative takeover.
I think it's our time to take swift action and show our support to all the hard working volunteers who were behind freenode and move all our activities to irc.libera.chat.
Please see https://twitter.com/freenodestaff and Christian's letter which links to the others as well https://fuchsnet.ch/freenode-resign-letter.txt
Best, Erno 'jokke' Kuvaja
There is two sides to each story, this is the other one:
I recommend that so long that we don't have any problems, we keep things as is.
I agree on this and not to be in hurry to take any decision. Let's wait and monitor the situation. -gmann
-- Mohammed Naser VEXXHOST, Inc.