On Wed, Oct 5, 2022 at 7:18 AM Thierry Carrez <thierry@openinfra.dev> wrote:
Clark Boylan wrote:
[...] If the release team ends up doing the work, it would probably be a good idea to very explicitly list the branch, commit sha1, and version number for each of the needed releases. This way the release team doesn't have to guess if they are getting it correct when they make and push those tags.
Yes please.
I'm cleaning up some CI right now; I'll make sure we get this information to the list soon so we can give it a shot :).
Separately, it seems like some of the intention here is to ensure that users of bugfix branches don't end up with stale installations. Updating the release tooling to handle releases off of these branches or delegating access to the Ironic team seem like an important piece of making that happen. Otherwise the overhead for doing this will be large enough that it is unlikely to happen often enough. Unfortunately, I don't know what is currently missing in the tooling to make that possible.
I'd say it's an unknown and the current release team members may not have bandwidth to explore what releasing on bugfix branches using a patch to openstack/releases could look like. Avoiding collisions between "normal" stable branch point updates and those bugfix branch point releases sounds tricky at best.
I'm hoping this won't be an issue. Ironic policy (and it seems to be true in practice), says any release from master (including bugfix/x branches) must bump either the major or minor release number ( https://specs.openstack.org/openstack/ironic-specs/specs/15.1/new-release-mo... ). Thanks Thierry and Clark, I'll get you the information you all need to move forward soon! -Jay Faulkner