Hey folks,
Please, I have a question here, the bgpspeaker should only "learn" and not "advertise" the AS_PATHs via BGP, right?
In my tests, I can see that it is learning routes from BGP neighbors. This behavior can cause an AS_PATH loop because the bgpspeaker learns back its own advertised routes, and I see a message like this in the logs:
2022-11-11 19:45:41.967 7220 ERROR bgpspeaker.peer [-] AS_PATH on UPDATE message has loops. Ignoring this message: BGPUpdate(len=91,nlri=[],path_attributes=[BGPPathAttributeMpReachNLRI(afi=2,flags=144,length=46,next_hop='2001:db7:1::1',nlri=[IP6AddrPrefix(addr='2001:db9:1234::',length=64)],safi=1,type=14), BGPPathAttributeOrigin(flags=64,length=1,type=1,value=0), BGPPathAttributeAsPath(flags=80,length=10,type=2,value=[[65001, 65000]])],total_path_attribute_len=68,type=2,withdrawn_routes=[],withdrawn_routes_len=0)
This can be fixed by suppressing the neighbor route advertisement (using route-map export), but have I misunderstood how neutron-dymanic-routing works or do we have a possible bug here?