Hi Rob, 

I didn't see any replies to your message. I am also trying to use Magnum and having issues. These labels are allowing me to deploy k8 cluster (although I have another issue with regards to storage/flavours which I'm coming back to soon)


Some time back when I asked the group here for help, I was informed about a bug and they suggested using "heat_container_agent_tag=train-stable-3". I have multi AZ so I needed to specify one. The other two have been found on the back of some research with one of our internal developers for something else but just mentioning here in case it helps. 

Good luck with this and I'd be grateful for your feedback - this has caused me much pain to get working. 

The storage issue I currently have is with regards to the flavour being used for the cluster instances. I need to use 0MB disk so that all of the instance storage is set up on externally integrated array (Cinder / cinder iscsi storage driver). However, using this flavour causes the k8 create to fail because it errors on the 0MB. I have some steps to try from the community but have not been able to get to this yet. 


Tony Pearce

On Thu, 8 Oct 2020 at 20:44, Robert Duncan <Robert.Duncan@ncirl.ie> wrote:

I have openstack train deployed by kolla-ansible and am trying to deploy a k8s cluster on Fedora Atomic 27 with magnum
it seems there is no podman binary in the Atomic 27 image
 specifically, Fedora-Atomic-27-20180419.0.x86_64.qcow2

I have set the label use_podman=false

however, the template seems to ignore that which results in this error in the heat agent log:

WARNING Attempt 12: Trying to install kubectl. Sleeping 5s

  • i=12
  • '[' 12 -gt 60 ']'
  • echo 'WARNING Attempt 12: Trying to install kubectl. Sleeping 5s'
  • sleep 5s
  • ssh -F /srv/magnum/.ssh/config root@localhost '/usr/bin/podman run --entrypoint /bin/bash --name install-kubectl --net host --privileged --rm --user root --volume /srv/magnum/bin:/host/srv/magnum/bin k8s.gcr.io/hyperkube:v1.15.7 -c '''cp /usr/local/bin/kubectl /host/srv/magnum/bin/kubectl''''
    bash: /usr/bin/podman: No such file or directory

[fedora@test-quznqfqfa5ld-master-0 ~]$ which podman
/usr/bin/which: no podman in (/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/home/fedora/.local/bin:/home/fedora/bin)

I have tried a later version of atomic but the dependencies are closely coupled and it seems I must use version 27 - what am I missing?

I'm following along with the Train documentation https://docs.openstack.org/magnum/train/install/launch-instance.html

and was able to deploy a docker swarm cluster.




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