
With the latest Antelope release of OpenStack, the release states that it is now compatible with v1.24.  I do see there are changes in the underlying templates, etc. that now allow a later v1.24 tag to successfully install.  However, just changing the “kube_tag” label is not really enough to fully run a good v1.24.  The the tags for the other images (etcd, cinder csi related, etc.) are still at the same versions of the v1.23.3 release that has been around for a while.  I see discussions in the comments on https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2010028 about various labels that were used to get v1.24 to work well in one case.  Is there a document anywhere or table, etc. that would have a documented set of labels that would be recommended?  Or any other information on running different Kubernetes releases via label updates with Magnum?

Thanks for any advice,


Jay Rhine
Cloud Architect