Hello Everyone! 

Wanted to take a moment to extend this invite to the k8s end of year celebration to the OpenStack community :) Their TOC asked me to invite our TC, but since they call out wanting both friends and family to attend, mnaser and I thought to invite all of you as well :) 

Hope to see you there!

-Kendall Nelson (diablo_rojo)

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Alison Dowdney <alison@alisondowdney.com>
Date: Fri, Nov 13, 2020 at 1:53 PM
Subject: [SAVE THE DATE] End of Year Contributor Celebration Event
To: <kubernetes-dev@googlegroups.com>, <leads@kubernetes.io>

Hey there everyone,

Thanks for your feedback! When we asked what you wanted to do for a “contributor summit”,  most of you overwhelmingly chose to do something social to bring the community together. With that, we’d like to announce that this year’s “summit” will be a Contributor Celebration. There will be 🎂


  • “Hallway track” event after 1.20 release, December 10-13th

  • Event will use Discord[1]

  • Games and other social activities (taking suggestions)

  • Hangouts and hackathons

  • Friends and family are invited

  • Event website[2]

  • Registration form[3]

It's been a rough year, and without any in person events we've lost the best part of the Contributor Summits - the Hallway Track. The Kubernetes Contributor Celebration is an attempt to reclaim that and celebrate our accomplishments. It's a time for us to relax, chat, and do something fun with your fellow contributors! 🏖

We realize that some of you may not be into games/trivia, so this year we’re going full casual. This isn’t meant to be stressful or yet-another-virtual event. If you just want to come and hang out in chat, or listen in on the trivia, then that’s ok. We’re also leaving enough open options to do fun things, for example someone wanted to play a saxophone for the community, that’s totally an option 🎷. 

The event website[2] will be the source of truth for all event information with updates being sent to the list.

[1]: https://discord.com

[2]: https://k8s.dev/celebration

[3]: https://forms.gle/51tqQgxuHxLaeU1P8

Many Thanks,

Alison on behalf of the Contributor Celebration Team

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