Hi everyone, This Wednesday (May 1st) the next meeting of the publiccloud sig would be scheduled. However in a lot of the european countries this is a public holiday. As such Tobias and I decided that we will skip this call. A lot of us will be at the OpenInfra Day Berlin on the 15th of May - which would be the date for the next publiccloud sig, as such the one meeting on the 15th will happen during coffee break at the OID berlin :) (More infos on the OID Berlin here: https://oideurope2024.openinfra.dev/germany/#:~:text=15%20May%202024%20%7C%20Berlin%2C%20Germany%20%7C%20Villa%20Elisabeth&text=After%20a%20long%20time%2C%20we,the%20Villa%20Elisabeth%20in%20Berlin.) regards felix -- Felix Kronlage-Dammers Sovereign Cloud Stack — standardized, built and operated by many Ein Projekt der Open Source Business Alliance - Bundesverband für digitale Souveränität e.V. Tel.: +49-30-206539-205 | Matrix: @fkronlage:matrix.org | fkr@osb-alliance.com