Hi Mike, I have created these unit test jobs - openstack-tox-py27, openstack-tox-py35, openstack-tox-py36, openstack-tox-py37, openstack-tox-py38, openstack- tox-py39 by referring to the upstream CI( https://opendev.org/openstack/openstack-zuul-jobs/src/branch/master/zuul.d/j...) and these jobs are triggered for every patchset in the Openstack CI.
I checked the code for old CI for Power, we didn't have any unit test jobs that were run for every patchset for nova. We had one "nova-python27" job that was run in a periodic pipeline. So, I wanted to know if we need to run the unit test jobs on ppc for every patchset for nova? and If yes, should these be reporting to the Openstack community?
On Tue, 2021-01-12 at 12:11 +0000, aditi Dukle wrote: the request was to have the unit tests and ideally func tests run on ppc and report back to the comunity for every patch if you have the capasity to do that. if its not per patch then a way to manually trigger it per patch would be perfered in addtion to the periodic. what i would suggest is running just 1 python version per branch form the supporte python runtimes for that branch the supproted runtimes are defined here https://github.com/openstack/governance/tree/master/reference/runtimes so if you are unning this on a ubuntu image then master shoudl ideally use python 3.8 for both functional and unit tests. the problem we are trying to adress is currenlty we have some unit/fucntional tests that fail when running on ppc so we woudl like to use your third party ci to catch that the same way we us its tempest test to inform if we have broken compatiblity. if we took a perodic approch we would still need an ablity to trigger it manually so that we could test teh patchs that proport to fix a breakage in compatiablity.
Thanks, Aditi Dukle
----- Original message ----- From: Michael J Turek/Poughkeepsie/IBM To: balazs.gibizer@est.tech, aditi Dukle/India/Contr/IBM@IBM, Sajauddin Mohammad/India/Contr/IBM@IBM Cc: openstack-discuss@lists.openstack.org Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] [nova] unit testing on ppc64le Date: Sat, Jan 9, 2021 12:52 AM Thanks for the heads up,
We should have the capacity to add them. At one point I think we ran unit tests for nova but the job may have been culled in the move to zuul v3. I've CC'd the maintainers of the CI, Aditi Dukle and Sajauddin Mohammad.
Aditi and Sajauddin, could we add a job to pkvmci to run unit tests for nova? Michael Turek Software Engineer Power Cloud Department 1 845 433 1290 Office mjturek@us.ibm.com He/Him/His IBM
----- Original message ----- From: Balazs Gibizer <balazs.gibizer@est.tech> To: OpenStack Discuss <openstack-discuss@lists.openstack.org> Cc: mjturek@us.ibm.com Subject: [EXTERNAL] [nova] unit testing on ppc64le Date: Fri, Jan 8, 2021 7:59 AM Hi,
We have a bugreport[1] showing that our unit tests are not passing on ppc. In the upstream CI we don't have test capability to run our tests on ppc. But we have the IBM Power KVM CI[2] that runs integration tests on ppc. I'm wondering if IBM could extend the CI to run nova unit and functional tests too. I've added Michael Turek (mjturek@us.ibm.com) to CC. Michael is listed as the contact person for the CI.
Cheers, gibi
[1]https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/1909972 [2]https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/ThirdPartySystems/IBMPowerKVMCI