Hi Alan! Thanks for the pointers. For now I'm going with a single backend with two NFS shares, so I'll use the tripleo templates for netapp. For the future, could you point me to the right template / puppet-cinder code which can create multiple nfs share files for me? Or should I create my own puppet manifest? Thanks again. Tomas pi 12. 7. 2019 o 16:11 Alan Bishop <abishop@redhat.com> napísal(a):
On Fri, Jul 12, 2019 at 6:09 AM Tomáš Bredár <tomas.bredar@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Emilien!
Thanks for your help. Yes with this I am able to define multiple stanzas in cinder.conf. However netapp driver needs a .conf file with the nfs shares listed in it. Defining multiple configuration files with nfs share details in each is not possible with the manual you've sent nor with the templates in my first email.
Hi Tomas,
When deploying a single backend, the tripleo template takes care of generating the nfs shares file (actually, puppet-cinder generates the file, but it's triggered by tripleo). But when you use the custom backend method that Emilien pointed you to use, then you are responsible for supplying all the pieces for the backend(s) to function correctly. This means you will need to generate the nfs shares file on the host (controller), and then bind mount the file using CinderVolumeOptVolumes so that the shares file on the host is visible to the cinder-volume process running in a container.
I'm wondering if it's possible to define a second backend by creating
another service, for example "OS::TripleO::Services::CinderBackendNetApp2" ?
Sorry, this won't work. TripleO will trying to deploy two completely separate instances of the cinder-volume service, but the two deployments will step all over each other. There has been a long standing goal of enhancing tripleo so that it can deploy multiple instances of a cinder backend, but it's a complex task that will require non-trivial changes to tripleo.
št 11. 7. 2019 o 14:35 Emilien Macchi <emilien@redhat.com> napísal(a):
On Thu, Jul 11, 2019 at 7:32 AM Tomáš Bredár <tomas.bredar@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi community,
I'm trying to define multiple NetApp storage backends via Tripleo installer. According to [1] the puppet manifest supports multiple backends. The current templates [2] [3] support only single backend. Does anyone know how to define multiple netapp backends in the tripleo-heat environment files / templates?
We don't support that via the templates that you linked, however if you follow this manual you should be able to configure multiple NetApp backends:
Let us know how it worked! -- Emilien Macchi