Dear all
I gonna use this ML to give a summary of the forum [1] and asking for feedback for the idea of new SIG.
We have a plan to create a new SIG for autoscaling which to cover the common library, docs, and tests for cross-project services (Senlin, Heat, Monasca, etc.) and cross-community (OpenStack, Kubernetes, etc). And the goal is not just to have a place to keep those resources that make sure we can guarantee the availability for use cases, also to have a force to keep push the effort to integrate across services or at least make sure we don't go to a point where everyone just do their own service and don't care about any duplication.
So if you have any thoughts for the new SIG (good or bad) please share it here.

Here I summarize our discussion in the forum session `Autoscaling Integration, improvement, and feedback`. If you like to learn more or input your thoughts, feel free to put it in etherpad [1] or simply reply to this email.
In the forum, we have been discussed the scope and possibility to integrate effort from Heat, Senlin, and also autoscaling across OpenStack to K8s. There are some long-term goals that we can start on like create a document for general Autoscaling on OpenStack, Common library for cross-project usage, or create real scenario cases to test on our CI.
And the most important part is how can we help users and satisfied use cases without confuse them or making too much duplication effort across communities/projects.
So here's an action we agree on, is to trigger discussion for either we need to create a new SIG for autoscaling. We need to define the scope and the goal for this new SIG before we go ahead and create one.
The new SIG will cover the common library, docs, and tests for cross-project services (Senlin, Heat, Monasca, etc.) and cross-community (OpenStack, Kubernetes, etc). And the goal is not just to have a place to keep those resources that make sure we can guarantee the availability for use cases, also to have a force to keep push the effort to integrate across services or at least make sure we don't go to a point where everyone just do their own service and don't care about any duplication.
For example, we can have a document about do autoscaling in OpenStack, but we need a place to put it and keep maintain it. And we can even have a place to set up CI to test all scenario for autoscaling.
I think it's possible to extend the definition of this SIG, but we have to clear our goal and make sure we actually doing a good thing and make everyone's life easier. On the other hand we also need to make sure we do not duplicate the effort of other SIGs/WGs.
Also The reason I add `ptl` tag for this ML is that this SIG or the concept of `autoscaling` might be very deferent to different projects. So I really wish to hear from anyone and any projects who are interested in this topic.

May The Force of OpenStack Be With You, 
Rico Lin
irc: ricolin